Why Class Dojo is a Must For Every Teacher

4 min readJun 24, 2022


Class Dojo Logo. Image Taken From Their Website.

As someone who has been in the classroom as a teacher for almost a decade, I know the value of:

  • Monitoring Student Behavior
  • Managing Positive and Negative Reinforcements
  • Rewarding Students
  • Parent/Teacher Communication
  • Home/School Links
  • Increasing Student Engagement and Reaction
  • Building Classroom Culture
  • Social Media Engagement and Posting
Dojo Monster Party! Image Taken From Their Website.

I needed one platform that could manage all of that. After all, as teachers, what are we looking for if not the ease and accessibility of something to make our lives easier?

That’s when I met Class Dojo.

Do you know how much time I saved from Class Dojo? A TON!

It’s easy, quick, and effective.

It’s like having a digital classroom management assistant. What’s not to love?

Class Dojo helps keep the students focused and on task because they feel motivated. They suddenly want to participate and try their best in every way.

You can weave Class Dojo into your classroom lessons every day.

Inside a Classroom. Photo by Text by Tasha.


  1. Free: There’s no cost! Well, there are paid features, but most features are free, and I’ve gotten by just fine with the free version! (The paid version is around 5 dollars)
  2. Built-in Translator: Class Dojo also has a built-in translator, so if you’re teaching abroad, you don’t have to worry about not being able to speak their language. Boy, was that a relief.
  3. User Friendly: Learning to set up and navigate the layout is a piece of cake with the friendly interface of the site.
  4. Accessibility: There’s an app for it that you and the parent can download aside from accessing it on a computer web.
  5. Time: It’s precious. Our time. Class Dojo saves me tons every day.
  6. Parent Connection: Parents love to see class work in action. I know as a parent, I would definitely be curious about what goes on in the classroom. Class Dojo is a great way for parents to be able to see firsthand on what shenanigans their children are up to. I love messaging the parents back and forth and there’s a lot of good to be said about parents who are super involved and message the teachers a lot.
Messaging One of the Parents. Photo by Text by Tasha.

7. Student Growth: There are a lot of positive effects and growth for students who use Class Dojo. The results are quick, too! Students will show more leadership skills, respond well to criticism, and show more active engagement.

8. Paperless: There’s no paper involved in parent-teacher communication as there normally is. You don’t have to put paper into your student’s bag for their parent signature anymore. Most parents would forget that anyway, but it’s easy to check notifications.

What You Can Do

  1. Make each student a digital portfolio where they share their work with you. Students have a voice through these portfolios and proudly share their work with you. In this way, they get to experience success by building their own personal stories where they can showcase their awesomeness. What better way for students to grow other than to interact with their own success stories?
Giving Feedback to a Student. Photo by Text by Tasha.
  1. Instantly share photos and videos of live learning on the home page of the classroom for those curious parents.
  2. Reward students’ good behaviors by giving them points. There are points for many different things such as ‘homework completion’, ‘participation’, ‘diligence’ etc. You can make as many categories as you’d like! After they get a certain amount of points, say 50, give them a prize.
  3. Monitor attendance reports.
  4. Play background music.
  5. Design class rosters.
  6. Display activity directions.
  7. There are built-in activities for the students to enjoy and you can help teach them to navigate that.
  8. Use the noise meter to keep the classroom volume down!
  9. Take advantage of the random student generator. It’s like a wheel when you need to pick a random student for something.
  10. Switch up their monster. Each student is assigned a monster. I made it a rule that the students had to get 25 points in order to change theirs. There are seasonal ones as well!
Changing the Student’s Monster. Photo by Text by Tasha.


All in all, it’s a win-win situation for everyone. The students, parents, and teachers win, but especially the students. It’s a huge confidence booster for them. Everyone wins!

I love Class Dojo. I cannot imagine teaching without it. It has so many added benefits, but most of all, I just enjoy encouraging positive work habits in my classroom by giving all the points.

What classroom management tool do you use? I’d love to hear about it!

Class Dojo Logo. Image Taken From Their Website.


Want more information about Class Dojo? Visit their website here.

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Education Writer 👩‍💻 l l EdTech & eLearning 🖥